
Symfony Plugin sfCssTabs - Recognition of credentials addon

The sfCssTabsPlugin is one of the userfull plugins of Symfony.

Monday I installed this plugin in a sandbox installation and I began to play with it.

In this article i will explain how to install this plugin and how to add the recongnition of credentials funcionality.


Mauro Casula.


The installation is very simple. I followed the plugin wiki site instructions:

1. Installation
symfony plugin-install http://plugins.symfony-project.com/sfCssTabsPlugin
That command will install the plugin in :
<project> /web/sfCssTabsPlugin/css/sfCssTabs.css

2. Copy of css file
We have to copy the css file to:
<project> /web/css/sfCssTabs.css
3. Change your view.yml
So we can modify the view.yml in config directory of our application ( backend or frontend for example):
We have to add the line:
stylesheets: [main, sfCssTabs]

4. Modify sfCssTabs configuration file
It is in:

An example configuration can be:



# general config
div: {id: navcontainer}
mt_ul: {id: adminmenu}
mt_li: {id: active}
mt_a: {class: current}
st_ul: {id: submenu}
st_li: {id: activeII}
st_a: {class: current}

# Configuration of the main Tabs
- label: TITULO1
module: default
action: ”
linkOptions: {}

- label: Photo Gallery
module: anotherModuleAction
action: ‘customAction’
linkOptions: {}

# Configuration of the sub Tabs

module: default
action: ‘default’
linkOptions: {}
parentTab: TITULO1


5. Put the menu in Layout file
Now.. in your application layout ( <project>/apps/<appName>/templeates/layout.php ) add the following:

( ’site’ is the config file name ( ctFile.yml ) without ‘ct’ and without extention )

And…. a fantastic wordpress style menu will appear in your layout… :)


In this part I’ll explain how to add the recognition of credentials..
If you are not interested in learn “how to” but only want to download my Addon and use it, you only need to download attachment zip file and follow the point 1 and 6 of the following instructions…

1. We need to add a functionality in the myUser or in sfGuardSecurityUser if you use sfGuard Plugin

Modify this file if you dont have sfGuard:

If you dont have myUser.class.php in <project>/web/sfCssTabsPlugin/lib/ folder than create it.

or this one if you have sfGuardPlugin installed:

add the following code:

private $security;
public function canAccess($module, $action)
{ require(sfConfigCache::getInstance()->checkConfig(sfConfig::get(’sf_app_module_dir_name’)
.’/’.$module.’/’.sfConfig::get(’sf_app_module_config_dir_name’).’/security.yml’, true));

if (isset($this->security[$action][’credentials’]))
$credentials = $this->security[$action][’credentials’];
else if (isset($this->security[’all’][’credentials’]))
$credentials = $this->security[’all’][’credentials’];
$credentials = null;

if ($credentials === null)
return true;

return $this->hasCredential($credentials);
2. Modify the sfCssTabs.class.php adding the recognition credentials funcionality
The file is in:

The function that draw the buttons is buildTabs

private function buildTabs( $tabs, $prefix, $levelTabs, $parentTab = ” )
{ …… }

In that function, there is a foreach function that loop over the buttons and draw them in the right position.

After the foreach:
foreach( $tabs as $tab )

We have to add the control:
if ($this->sf_user->canAccess($tab[’module’],$tab[’action’] ))
{ …………

closing it before the foreach…

} //

$ulLi = content_tag(’ul’, $li, $this->configTabs[$prefix.’ul’]);

3. Add a $sf_user variable in the class:

private $sf_user;

4. Change the loadAndAssignConfig function to accept the $sf_user parameter

private function loadAndAssignConfig($sf_user, $name )
// Guardo el objeto sfUser..
$this->sf_user = $sf_user;

5. Change the render function

public function render($sf_user, $name=” )
// Guardo la configuracion
$this->loadAndAssignConfig($sf_user, $name );

6. Change the call to render function from layout

<?php sfCssTabs::singleton()->render($sf_user, ’site’); ?>

And now enjoy.. if you secure a module or an action, the user logged in will not see the buttons if doent have access to them…


1. Include a partial inside the menu
I have added this functionality so that it will be possible to add an “intelligent part” in your menu.

Specifically I use this functionality to insert the partial _loginlogoutpartial.php


<?php use_helper(’Url’, ‘Tag’) ?>
<?php if ($sf_user->isAuthenticated()) { ?>
link_to(’Logout’, ’sfGuardAuth/signout’);
<?php } else {
$a = link_to(’Login’, ’sfGuardAuth/signin’);
$li = content_tag(’li’, $a, ”);
echo $li;


In the sfCssTabs configuration file we have only to specify the partial with the underscore character.

- label: TITLE
module: moduleName
action: ‘_partialName’
linkOptions: {}
icon: ‘/images/inmueble.jpg’

In the menu bar will appear a button that is the result of the specified partial. If the user is authenticated it will display Logout, otherwise will display Login.

2. Specify an icon for the buttons

If you want to display a little icon in your buttons menu, you only have to specify the url of the image file in the config file:

- label: Inmuebles
module: aInmueble
action: ‘list’
linkOptions: {}
icon: ‘/images/inmueble.jpg’

DOWNLOAD SfCssTabs.class.php

Good Bye.
I hope many of you can leave comments and suggestions…

I’m finding professional people to write in this Blog…

If you are interested, write me at: maurocasula [at] gmail.com

Mauro Casula.

9 Responses to “Symfony Plugin sfCssTabs - Recognition of credentials addon”

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  1. Nov5


    Said this at 9:31pm:

    Hi, i can´t download the file!

  2. Nov6


    Said this at 10:26am:

    I’m sorry.. I have updated the post..

    Now its possible to download the file.
    I will appreciate any help, suggestion, critique or opinion…

    Symfony-framework.com admin

  3. Nov6


    Said this at 1:24pm:

    Hi Mauro,

    “Modify this file if you dont have sfGuard:

    They file don´t exist, have to create?

  4. Nov6


    Said this at 1:40pm:

    Hi Adell,
    if you dont use sfGuardPlugin you have to create myUser.class.php and extend the functionality of sf_user class.

    I will add this in my tutorial.

  5. Nov13

    Brandy Norwood

    Said this at 5:23pm:

    Hey!…I Googled for wiki install, but found your page about Plugin sfCssTabs - Recognition of credentials addon | Symfony-framework.com…and have to say thanks. nice read.

  6. Dec31

    ajax ct

    Said this at 4:34pm:

    ajax ct

    Websites with web 2.0 standards are not always the better ones.

  7. Jan13

    Brandy Norwood

    Said this at 9:06pm:

    Hi there…Man i love reading your blog, interesting posts ! it was a great Sunday

  8. Feb27


    Said this at 3:34am:

    You make my day!

  9. May31


    Said this at 2:04pm:


    I’ve tried to add the canAccess method in /project/apps/frontend/lib

    class myTestUser extends sfUser
    public function canAccess($module, $action)

    Autoloading the class should work for this directories by default.. but I get an exception “Call to undefined method sfUser::canAccess” I guess, the sfUser is not extended correctly??

    thanks in advance,


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